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广州七喜医疗设备有限公司-Hedymed-乳腺钼靶机_输液泵__便携DR_数字医用X射线摄影系统 – 主要从事医疗器械乳腺机、钼靶机、输液泵、悬吊DR等的研发、制造、营销及服务,主要核心业务覆盖生命信息与支持、医学影像、医疗信息及服务等三个领域。

Welcome To HEDY MED

A high-tech enterprise, specialized in innovation-oriented medical device provides customers with full range of services. Its main medical devices include radiography, ultrasound, monitor, endoscopy, orthopedics and blood purification and information-based products include digital medical treatment, telemedicine and m-health. All staff here will pursue the faith that Let people have the chance to get a physical examination each year and become healthier and spare no effort to make our company become one of the best medical device companies in China within the next few years.